Friday, August 20, 2010

Summer wrap up

As usual, I lament the going of summer. I feel like I'll never be ready but then somehow when the cool of autumn does arrive, I embrace it. But I'm convinced I'll never be ready this year! Somehow the summer has slipped by too quickly and without many things done as I had imagined. What did do was: take our annual trip to the CT shore and Cape Cod. There we spent time with long-friends and family; met our newest niece at a mere 2 weeks old; swam in the sea, played in the sand and soaked up the sun to our hearts content; ready many (but never enough) books; visited on of our favorite independent bookstores, RJ Julia in Madison, CT and more.

After our New England visits, the kids and I headed south to see Grandmama and Papa
Jimbo on the farm in NC. The kids picked apples and each earned a few dollars picking up drops, a constant job even in a small orchard. My dad has about 40 remaining apples tre
es from an old orchard. They have some old varieties like one green apple they grow called an Early Transparent. The highlights there were fishing (and boy did we ever reel them in!), driving the tractor and the kids' first experience with a high dive at the local country club. Oliver promptly did a front flip off the high dive, leaving me with my heart in my throat. After a double-dog-dare, I jumped off the high dive too but nothing would make me flip off of it. Oka
y, well, maybe a million dollars. But I do still have what it takes to flip off the low dive!

The rest of our summer has been given to family and friends visiting us in Boulder, playing with Bibi and Papa Jack, who were living in Boulder for the summer, swimming and kayaking in our neighborhood lake, playing with friends, road biking for Adam, and a little hiking.

As fall and the school year approaches, we are turning our sights to what's next. The kids will both be home schooling this year, giving us a chance to do a lot of fun and interesting things together. The King Tut exhibit is at the Denver Art Museum and is high on my list of things to see. The Denver Botanical Gardens has a new children's garden. As the weather cools, I hope to do some of the hikes from our new guide, 60 Easy Hikes
in Boulder.